Do not harass, or encourage harassment of other users, community figures, developer staff, and all others including subreddit moderators.Bigoted language will be met with a permanent ban.Refrain from excessive vulgar language.Be respectful: do not insult other users, bait, flame, badmouth, or discredit others in comment sections or posts.Official Subreddit Group Password (case sensitive): straydmnġ.) Please be respectful, do not harass others. Me - Dragging it kicking and screaming into our accursed programĮdwardnigma\elden_ring\malenia_flower.mdlĮdwardnigma\elden_ring\malenia_helmet.Welcome to the Official Elden Ring subreddit! I really hope theres not anything else like that that I completely re-♥♥♥♥♥♥ up somehow. UPDATE 2: SCHIZOHPRENIA EDITION: Did I ever fix the left leg? Did I somehow, miraculously, break it again with a texture update? How? I'm so confused. If you think the emblem looks like ♥♥♥♥, you can use override materials to remove it, namely It STILL controls like ♥♥♥♥, but it controls SLIGHTLY better than the one on Malenias bodygroup. Theres also an included "Cape" model which I highly recommend using by locking it to Malenia. UPDATE: Slightly changed materials, so the gold bits on her skin look better (I noticed I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up when I fought her again the other day and said "HEY"), as well as added the big ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ missing emblem from her cape. It's there as a bodygroup thats off by default, but I do strongly advise against it. The fur collar was also beyond my skill level to make look good and I kind of gave up on it. I'll keep it real with you chief machine, it's a little funky to use.Most notably, the cape had no bones so I had to add them myself, and they don't work very well for raesons beyond my comprehension.